Last week former Californian governor Arnold scharzenegger separated from his wife Maria after 25 years of married life !. Finally prince William tied the knot to his very old girl friend Kate , I pray for her it should not be Diana's story again.
Recently BRICS Nations including South African premieres conveyed a meeting for mutual cooperation and challenges among the emerging BRICS Nations , A term coined by Goldman Sachs in the year 2000 and succeeded in selling Nation's story and every one rejoiced and participating in the India's so called domestic growth story . As I interact with various investors across the globe , they are exuberant about India's robust growth than citizens of India. I was perplexed with variety of views .Finally I started analyzing the strong key points behind India's domestic story , it is amazing to know simple but powerful bullet point i.e. Our marriage & Family planning system , powerful asset of India . You are absolutely reading accurately our marriage and family system is the key strength of India's growth story .
The success of any economy depends on Human capital – how an economy efficiently using its human capital for development and providing employability referred as demographic dividends. And every one talk about India's demographic structure as key strength this strength is derived from the Marriage system in India.
We have to get educated to gain knowledge and wisdom , from wisdom , we derive the solutions which leads to revenue generation which translates as savings and spending for self well being and family prosperity this is the ultimate theme of majority of folks .For an economy people are key and their productivity is the lynch pin to run the economy . In the key financial planning of any individual your family will play a vital role which reflect in the economic development of the country .
Let me envisage the demographics of various nations. Chinese their average age is 37 years and 72% of population is in between 15 to 64 years and China also one of the aging population . Why Chinese household consumption so extraordinarily low , in part , it is because Chinese house holds can't rely on the traditional old age safety net in Asia namely children , As a result of government single child policy in past 30 years in China increased number of people above 45 years and indicates less productivity of nation and in a family of 5 every one depends on one young earning child .In USA because of increasing divorce rate and social system 50 % babies born in USA are born to unmarried girls and as per U.S state department statistics every year more than one l lac girls under 17 are diverted towards sex traffic .which will destabilize the nation over period of time . In Japan 25% of population is above 65 years and average age of Japanese population is 44 years which clearly indicates less productivity and consumption indicates clear threat to the nation . In Euro zone nations because of child delivering costs are very high , average European stopped giving birth and birth rate and population growth is very low almost it is zero which is impacting the Euro zone Economy . Very recently Russian Economy is very proactive to spur demand , it announced good number of schemes and incentives to its people who ever give birth to 4 children and above , if you want busy next 5 years migrate to Russia and enjoy the romantic life! .
Family instability too , is harder on poor children , poor less well educated couples are more likely to break up and when that happens the economic consequences are more severe than for the well off , the cost maintaining two establishments ,shuttling children between the two parents income , leaving less for the basic necessities , let alone counseling and remedial tuition to help devastated children cope with the breakup . Divorce therefore affects the children's health , hygiene and schooling far more in a poor family than in a rich family . In equality tends to further perpetuate it self through the social environment. To the extent that it is caused by significant part of the population is not being able to improve themselves because of lack of access to quality education it signifies tremendous inefficiency.
Father of Economics Adam Smith says that while population growth might increase the total wealth of nations but only improvements in productivity could make a nation richer on peer capital basis , it is not how much capital country has that makes it rich .It is how productive that capital is and according to Economist Solow the key to productivity is technology.
United states and other western nations countries did not became rich because of lucky endowment of natural resources or because of capital falling like manna from heaven . Rather they became rich through a virtuous cycle in which technology improvements led to capital became more productive , which in turn led to more capital investments, without technology growth , capital would grow in proportion to population and wealth per capital would simply level off.
The dynamics of economy and life changes for every decade, for example in 1970 civil engineering is demanding profession ,in 1980 banking was revolution and demanding profession in 1990 Media, and tele communication was in demand , in 2000 software engineering was demanding .2010 financial services is in demand . So I believe when your planning your family give greater gap between the children for greater diversification and you can't effort to have your children every one in the same industry , education and age group as dynamics of the economy changes . The greatest gift you can give to your children is education , of course every one endeavor is same but demanding education is crux . I encourage every married parent to educate your child in Chinese language , this is going to be the best gift you ever presented to your children . As we progress 70% business deals happens from China in future and this is going to change their business life.
Recently BRICS Nations including South African premieres conveyed a meeting for mutual cooperation and challenges among the emerging BRICS Nations , A term coined by Goldman Sachs in the year 2000 and succeeded in selling Nation's story and every one rejoiced and participating in the India's so called domestic growth story . As I interact with various investors across the globe , they are exuberant about India's robust growth than citizens of India. I was perplexed with variety of views .Finally I started analyzing the strong key points behind India's domestic story , it is amazing to know simple but powerful bullet point i.e. Our marriage & Family planning system , powerful asset of India . You are absolutely reading accurately our marriage and family system is the key strength of India's growth story .
The success of any economy depends on Human capital – how an economy efficiently using its human capital for development and providing employability referred as demographic dividends. And every one talk about India's demographic structure as key strength this strength is derived from the Marriage system in India.
We have to get educated to gain knowledge and wisdom , from wisdom , we derive the solutions which leads to revenue generation which translates as savings and spending for self well being and family prosperity this is the ultimate theme of majority of folks .For an economy people are key and their productivity is the lynch pin to run the economy . In the key financial planning of any individual your family will play a vital role which reflect in the economic development of the country .
Let me envisage the demographics of various nations. Chinese their average age is 37 years and 72% of population is in between 15 to 64 years and China also one of the aging population . Why Chinese household consumption so extraordinarily low , in part , it is because Chinese house holds can't rely on the traditional old age safety net in Asia namely children , As a result of government single child policy in past 30 years in China increased number of people above 45 years and indicates less productivity of nation and in a family of 5 every one depends on one young earning child .In USA because of increasing divorce rate and social system 50 % babies born in USA are born to unmarried girls and as per U.S state department statistics every year more than one l lac girls under 17 are diverted towards sex traffic .which will destabilize the nation over period of time . In Japan 25% of population is above 65 years and average age of Japanese population is 44 years which clearly indicates less productivity and consumption indicates clear threat to the nation . In Euro zone nations because of child delivering costs are very high , average European stopped giving birth and birth rate and population growth is very low almost it is zero which is impacting the Euro zone Economy . Very recently Russian Economy is very proactive to spur demand , it announced good number of schemes and incentives to its people who ever give birth to 4 children and above , if you want busy next 5 years migrate to Russia and enjoy the romantic life! .
Family instability too , is harder on poor children , poor less well educated couples are more likely to break up and when that happens the economic consequences are more severe than for the well off , the cost maintaining two establishments ,shuttling children between the two parents income , leaving less for the basic necessities , let alone counseling and remedial tuition to help devastated children cope with the breakup . Divorce therefore affects the children's health , hygiene and schooling far more in a poor family than in a rich family . In equality tends to further perpetuate it self through the social environment. To the extent that it is caused by significant part of the population is not being able to improve themselves because of lack of access to quality education it signifies tremendous inefficiency.
Father of Economics Adam Smith says that while population growth might increase the total wealth of nations but only improvements in productivity could make a nation richer on peer capital basis , it is not how much capital country has that makes it rich .It is how productive that capital is and according to Economist Solow the key to productivity is technology.
United states and other western nations countries did not became rich because of lucky endowment of natural resources or because of capital falling like manna from heaven . Rather they became rich through a virtuous cycle in which technology improvements led to capital became more productive , which in turn led to more capital investments, without technology growth , capital would grow in proportion to population and wealth per capital would simply level off.
The dynamics of economy and life changes for every decade, for example in 1970 civil engineering is demanding profession ,in 1980 banking was revolution and demanding profession in 1990 Media, and tele communication was in demand , in 2000 software engineering was demanding .2010 financial services is in demand . So I believe when your planning your family give greater gap between the children for greater diversification and you can't effort to have your children every one in the same industry , education and age group as dynamics of the economy changes . The greatest gift you can give to your children is education , of course every one endeavor is same but demanding education is crux . I encourage every married parent to educate your child in Chinese language , this is going to be the best gift you ever presented to your children . As we progress 70% business deals happens from China in future and this is going to change their business life.
If your single don't slew your life ! (Of course I am still bachelor) ! Get married or committed to be celibacy , adopt orphan and assist them for their brighter life . Those are married don't restrict for single child, with a long gap minimum 8 to 10 years give a birth to another child , this will help the economy to stimulate the workforce problems and later will help you in your old age
Your decision for marriage or break up and having kids and desiring for their prosperity will have significant impact on the nation as whole .
Don't take for granted since Indian population is young the opportunities will follow us ! Administration should plan well to stimulate population growth ! Or else one day India will face dire consequences like Japan or China.
Your decision for marriage or break up and having kids and desiring for their prosperity will have significant impact on the nation as whole .
Don't take for granted since Indian population is young the opportunities will follow us ! Administration should plan well to stimulate population growth ! Or else one day India will face dire consequences like Japan or China.