Learn the Art of Farming
Are you relentlessly working & saving towards your Children's future education and Welfare ... you are rest assured , they need not have to worry for admissions in Delhi Public Schools or IIMs.The Key reason gradual decrease in farm land cultivation & lack of high skilled professional in farming and agriculture across the world . In my research with NHK GLOBAL NEWS Reports , I came to know the dire fact that the average Japanese agriculture farmer age is now above 60 years , given the kind of state of affairs continues to prevails in next 20 years , we won't see a farmer in Japan , It might be the same case with INDIA also over a period of time .Growing demand for food items will lead to higher food grain prices and the demand for food articles always on rising front. Except a few states in India, farm land under cultivation is gradually coming down which is threat to the country's economic prosperity. There are numerous advantages by owning a farm land , your farm land value won't fluctuate in accordance with what happens to credit and mortgage market in Manhattan and around the Financial Globe . As per War Cycle theory if the next world war comes ! it is going to be a dirty war with biological weapons . But nobody throw a bomb on your farm land on country side which is middle of no where , last 200 years war history shows , during war times cities will be attacked but not the farms. If the same trend of reduction in farm land cultivation continues , there will be hyperinflation in food grains stocks where demand is growing or inelastic.

Just ask your self ! How many want to opt farming as profession !!. I strongly believe this area throws ample opportunities for Investor !!
Very good article kranthi.I have been thinking on same for a while about decreasing farm land.It will hurt the eco system when u dont have enough plants.I feel govt should start giving incentives to encourage people in growing more and more farm land.